
The Peanuts Papers: Writ­ers and Car­toon­ists on Char­lie Brown, Snoopy & the Gang, and the Mean­ing of Life

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2019

To mark the 70th anniver­sary of Schulz’s extra­or­di­nary cre­ation, Library of Amer­i­ca and edi­tor Andrew Blauner present The Peanuts Papers: Writ­ers and Car­toon­ists on Char­lie Brown, Snoopy & the Gang, and the Mean­ing of Life, a first-of-its-kind trib­ute fea­tur­ing a star-stud­ded ros­ter of thir­ty-three writ­ers and artists. Here are Ann Patch­ett, Chuck Kloster­man, Jonathan Lethem, Rick Moody, Elis­sa Schap­pell, Adam Gop­nik, Ira Glass, George Saun­ders, and Max­ine Hong Kingston, among many oth­ers, con­sid­er­ing the per­son­al truths revealed in Peanuts, its impact on their lives, the broad­er cul­ture, and the lessons it can teach us about dis­ap­point­ment, melan­choly, and those all-too-fleet­ing moments of warm-pup­py hap­pi­ness. Here too are graph­ic artists like Seth, Chris Ware, and Jan­ice Shapiro shar­ing their deep admi­ra­tion for the strip that inspired their own art. Fea­tur­ing essays, mem­oirs, poems, and two orig­i­nal com­ic strips, The Peanuts Papers is the ulti­mate reader’s com­pan­ion for every Peanuts fan.

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