
The Nightin­gale’s Sonata: The Musi­cal Odyssey of Lea Luboshutz

  • From the Publisher
January 1, 2013

A mov­ing and uplift­ing his­to­ry set to music that reveals the rich life of one of the first inter­na­tion­al­ly renowned female vio­lin­ists, span­ning gen­er­a­tions from the shores of the Black Sea to the con­cert halls of New York, The Nightingale’s Sonata is a rich­ly woven tapes­try cen­tered around vio­lin vir­tu­oso Lea Luboshutz. Music helped Lea escape the prej­u­dices that dom­i­nat­ed the last years of the Russ­ian Empire. Lea’s dra­mat­ic rise as an artist was fur­ther accen­tu­at­ed by her scan­dalous rela­tion­ship with the rev­o­lu­tion­ary Onis­sim Goldovsky. 

As the world around them descends in to chaos, we fol­low Lea and her fam­i­ly from Rus­sia to Europe and even­tu­al­ly Amer­i­ca. We cross paths with Pablo Casals, Isado­ra Dun­can, Emile Zola, and even Leo Tol­stoy. The lit­tle girl from Odessa will even­tu­al­ly end up as one of the found­ing fac­ul­ty of the pres­ti­gious Cur­tis Insti­tute of Music but along the way she will lose her true love her father and watch a son die young. The Iron Cur­tain would rise but through it all she played on.

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