
The Mys­tery of the Miss­ing Matzah

  • From the Publisher
May 16, 2017

Fourth grade best friends Bet­ty Wendy and Sher­ri formed the Friend­ship League to help oth­ers and solve mys­ter­ies. Lit­tle did Bet­ty know that their lat­est mys­tery would be at her own house dur­ing Passover! This year things are a lit­tle dif­fer­ent when Wendy and Sher­ri join Bet­ty’s fam­i­ly for their tra­di­tion­al Passover Seder din­ner. It’s Sher­ri’s first Seder and she’s hav­ing fun learn­ing what the hol­i­day is all about until some­thing goes wrong and the Friend­ship League ends up hav­ing a real mys­tery to solve. Every­one’s a sus­pect, includ­ing Bet­ty’s mom, dad, grand­par­ents, and annoy­ing old­er broth­er, along with the Friend­ship League’s num­ber-one trou­ble mak­ing friend, Bar­ry. Even Betty’s ever-hun­gry dog Daisy is under sus­pi­cion. Using a com­bi­na­tion of log­ic and team­work, the Friend­ship League is on the case!

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