
The Memo

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

Jen­ny Green dreads her upcom­ing col­lege reunion. Every­one else she knows is killing it. But she fears she didn’t get the memo. Once at the top of her class, the thir­ty-five-year-old finds her­self stuck in a life that isn’t the one she expect­ed. Her promis­ing career has flamed out (lit­er­al­ly) and her dead­beat boyfriend is cheat­ing on her (again). All her friends seem to have it all fig­ured it out, enjoy­ing fab­u­lous lives and careers that she can only envy from the side­lines. Did she just not get the memo? Turns out, she didn’t! When she arrives at her alma mater for the fes­tiv­i­ties, she receives a text from an unlist­ed num­ber: Jen­ny please col­lect your memo.” Some­where on cam­pus, a dis­creet female-led orga­ni­za­tion pro­vides com­pre­hen­sive mem­os to select stu­dents, a set of instruc­tions that are a blue­print for suc­cess. The first time around, Jen­ny didn’t receive hers. Now, she’s being giv­en the sec­ond chance she wants — an oppor­tu­ni­ty to relive her life and make all the right deci­sions this time around. But at what price?

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