
The Laws of Gravity

  • From the Publisher
May 13, 2013
A beau­ti­ful nov­el set in Long Island about friend­ship and love, what pulls us togeth­er and what tears us apart, and the lengths to which a par­ent will go to pro­tect a child. Nicole dis­cov­ers that her life is in dan­ger. She turns to her cousin and child­hood best friend Ari for the cord blood he’s been bank­ing for his own chil­dren. His deci­sion brings them before the scales of jus­tice. Solomon Richter, a Jew­ish state Supreme Court judge on the brink of manda­to­ry retire­ment, finds him­self embroiled in a legal bat­tle unlike any oth­er. The case calls into ques­tion the very things we live for: fam­i­ly, loy­al­ty, friend­ship and love. It’s Nicole’s last chance, Ari’s last stand, and the judge’s last case. The unique­ly Jew­ish cast of char­ac­ters nego­ti­ates the uni­ver­sal dif­fi­cul­ties of fam­i­ly, love and jus­tice with heart­break­ing hon­esty, humor and depth. Woven through the sto­ry are a Jew­ish con­ver­sion, an adult bat-mitz­vah, a Shab­bat din­ner, and a rab­bi as roman­tic hero. 

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