
The Joy Choice: How to Final­ly Achieve Last­ing Changes in Eat­ing and Exercise

September 1, 2021

It’s time for a new sto­ry of behav­ior change — this time, with a hap­py end­ing. Wel­come to The Joy Choice! Much of what we’ve been taught about eat­ing health­i­er and exer­cis­ing is sim­plis­tic, out­dat­ed, and for many, mis­guid­ed. Researcher and lifestyle coach Michelle Segar explains the sur­pris­ing rea­sons why our eat­ing and exer­cise plans so often crash when they come up against real life. She calls these con­flicts choice points,” and shows they are the real place of pow­er for last­ing change. The Joy Choice offers a fresh, brain-based solu­tion that turns the old behav­ior-change par­a­digm on its head. This ground­break­ing book lib­er­ates you from the self-defeat­ing oblig­a­tions and rigid require­ments of past diets and work­outs and reveals what emerg­ing research sug­gests real­ly dri­ves the con­sis­tent choic­es that pow­er sus­tain­able change. Designed from cut­ting-edge sci­ence and real-world expe­ri­ence coach­ing clients, dis­cov­er the easy, flex­i­ble, and three-step joy-infused deci­sion tool that works with the chaos of dai­ly life, guid­ing you to final­ly achieve your eat­ing and exer­cise goals once and for all — and enjoy doing it!