
The Inher­i­tance (Yurusha): An Autobiography

Israel Rosen Edit­ed by Elliot Rosen

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

A young boy, Elliot Rosen, watched his Zay­da (grand­fa­ther), Israel Rosen, writ­ing in Yid­dish and draw­ing pic­tures with his foun­tain pen in a book that was kept hid­den and secret. After Israel’s death in 1948, the book was kept from the boy’s eyes. When the boy’s Bub­ba (grand­moth­er) died, the book was passed to Max, the boy’s old­est uncle, who died in 1979. The boy, now a grown man, had the book trans­lat­ed and was amazed and hum­bled at Israel’s deep reli­gious faith and heartrend­ing strug­gle for sur­vival as a poor immi­grant. Now, Elliot Rosen has dis­played the life’s jour­ney of Israel Rosen (Yis­roel Ayzik Rosen) for pub­lic view. This extra­or­di­nary work, writ­ten by a man whom Neal Karlen describes as a men­sch in the book’s bril­liant fore­word, might only be one man’s sto­ry, but it is also every immigrant’s sto­ry in one way or another.

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