
The Huge­ly-Wuge­ly Spider

  • From the Publisher
May 4, 2018

We’ve all heard of the Itsy-Bit­sy Spi­der right? But have you heard of the the Huge­ly-Wuge­ly Spi­der? He’s huge, adorable, and exclud­ed by Itsy-Bit­sy and all the oth­er spi­ders. Deal­ing with issues of exclu­sion that mod­ern Jews face every day, this adorable illus­trat­ed chil­dren’s book shows the ben­e­fits of includ­ing those who are dif­fer­ent than you. It also fea­tures a pro­tag­o­nist who sac­ri­fices his well-being for those in his com­mu­ni­ty, prac­tic­ing a form of Tikkun Olam.

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