
The Heroes of Octo­ber 7th: Hero­ic Sto­ries for Children

Hadas­sa Ben Ari

  • Review
By – February 24, 2025

Octo­ber 7th, 2023 was a day of bru­tal ter­ror­ism result­ing in shock, hor­ror, and fear through­out Israel. But it is impor­tant to recall that that day, and those which fol­lowed, were also times of hero­ism, brav­ery, and courage. Chil­dren around the world who are learn­ing about this recent his­to­ry must be made aware of that fact and take com­fort in know­ing that this was so. It was a time when many reached deep into their souls and found the abil­i­ty to help oth­ers, pro­vid­ing aid, suc­cor, and safe­ty to those around them; it was a time for many to show pride, com­pas­sion, and lov­ing care.

Hadas­sa Ben Ari has com­piled a col­lec­tion of sto­ries that illus­trate the finest actions of that day. It shows Israel in its best light as Israelis respond­ed to the events as they occurred and in the fol­low­ing weeks and months. Thir­ty-three sto­ries of hon­or, self-sac­ri­fice, car­ing, and unbe­liev­able strength can be found with­in these pages. In our ever-com­pli­cat­ed world, it is impor­tant for chil­dren to read these sto­ries and see the mag­nif­i­cent heights to which peo­ple can rise when the need is there.

A few exam­ples of these heroes are: Oz David­i­an, who was not a sol­dier but who man­aged to res­cue 120 peo­ple with one small van; an all-female tank crew who brave­ly fought near the Egypt­ian bor­der; Inbal Rabin-Lieber­man, who ran from house to house warn­ing oth­ers; Amit Mann, who used her para­medic skills to save lives; Noa and Yaniv, who hid in Kib­butz Be’eri and who recent­ly cel­e­brat­ed their deferred and long-await­ed wed­ding; and many, many more. Each is a shin­ing exam­ple to be emu­lat­ed, and chil­dren will learn impor­tant lessons from read­ing and think­ing about the sto­ries. Each one gives the com­fort­ing sense that peo­ple can reach out and care even dur­ing times of cri­sis and fear.

The Heroes of Octo­ber 7th was over­seen by child psy­chi­a­trists who under­stand the bal­ance between an accu­rate retelling of a dif­fi­cult time along with a need for under­stand­ing the pos­i­tive sac­ri­fices and giv­ing spir­it of indi­vid­u­als who know they are able to help. 

This book and the sto­ries con­tained with­in are impor­tant in our chal­leng­ing times.

Michal Hoschan­der Malen is the edi­tor of Jew­ish Book Coun­cil’s young adult and children’s book reviews. A for­mer librar­i­an, she has lec­tured on top­ics relat­ing to lit­er­a­cy, run book clubs, and loves to read aloud to her grandchildren.

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