
The Hap­pi­ness Prayer

  • From the Publisher
May 16, 2017

At age 30, Evan Moff­ic became the leader of a large con­gre­ga­tion. He had great suc­cess. But he could­n’t find hap­pi­ness. Then he found a 2000-year-old prayer. In it were hid­den ele­ments of Jew­ish wis­dom. They became a part of his life and those of his con­gre­ga­tion and trans­formed them and him. In the tra­di­tion of Rab­bi Harold, Kush­n­er Moff­ic opens up wis­dom that has been at the heart Judaism for thou­sands of years. He dis­tills the Eilu Devarim, an ancient prayer for hap­pi­ness found in the Tal­mud, into ten prac­tices that empow­er us to thrive through set­backs so noth­ing can ham­per our hap­pi­ness. The rab­bi unpacks these prac­tices of the 2000-year-old prayer with insights for today that will help you find ways to live with greater hap­pi­ness and mean­ing. He draws from inter­ac­tions with thou­sands of con­gre­gants as well as his own expe­ri­ence. His con­clu­sion that these actions bring hap­pi­ness is cor­rob­o­rat­ed by sci­ence: peo­ple who con­duct authen­tic lives of faith live rough­ly sev­en years longer than oth­ers have more friends and are healthier.

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