
The Float­ing Feldmans

  • From the Publisher
January 1, 2013

Sink or swim. Or at least that’s what Annette Feld­man tells her­self when she books a cruise for her entire fam­i­ly. It’s been over a decade since the Feld­man clan has spent more than twen­ty-four hours under the same roof, but Annette is deter­mined to cel­e­brate her sev­en­ti­eth birth­day the right way. Just this once they are going to behave like an actu­al fam­i­ly. Too bad her kids didn’t get the memo. 

Between the trou­ble­some fam­i­ly secrets, old sib­ling rival­ries, and her two teenage grand­kids, Annette’s birth­day vaca­tion is look­ing more and more like the per­fect storm. Adrift togeth­er on the open seas, the Feld­mans will each face the truths they’ve been ignor­ing – and learn that the peo­ple they once thought most like­ly to sink them are actu­al­ly the ones who help them stay afloat.

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