
The Cast

  • From the Publisher
January 1, 2013

Twen­ty-five years ago, a group of ninth graders pro­duced a Sat­ur­day Night Live-style video­tape to cheer up their ail­ing friend. The show’s run­ning time was only nine­ty min­utes but it had a last­ing impact: Bec­ca laughed her way through recov­ery and the group — Jor­dana, Seth Hol­ly, and Lex — became her sup­port­ing cast for life. On the sil­ver anniver­sary of Bec­ca Night Live the friends reunite over the Fourth of July to cel­e­brate Becca’s good health — but noth­ing goes as planned. The hap­py hol­i­day card facades everyone’s been hid­ing behind quick­ly crum­ble and give way to an unfor­get­table three days filled with com­plex moral dilem­mas and life-alter­ing choic­es. Through humor, dra­ma, and the alter­nat­ing per­spec­tives of five char­ac­ters, The Cast explores the pow­er of for­give­ness, the impor­tance of authen­tic­i­ty, and the immea­sur­able val­ue of deep, endur­ing friend­ships to buoy us when life plays out dif­fer­ent­ly than expected.

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