
The Cap­tain & Me: On and Off the Field with Thur­man Munson

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2020

The deeply per­son­al sto­ry of a friend­ship between two team­mates, and of a human bond which ulti­mate­ly tran­scends the game itself. As back-to-back No. 1 draft picks for the New York Yan­kees, Ron Blomberg and Thur­man Mun­son made for an odd cou­ple. One was a good-look­ing, gre­gar­i­ous kid from Atlanta who cheer­ful­ly talked any­one’s ear off at the slight­est provo­ca­tion; the oth­er was a dumpy, grumpy dude from the Mid­west rust belt who was about as fond of mak­ing idle chit-chat as he was of shav­ing. Despite the sur­face dif­fer­ences, the two men would form a close attach­ment as they ignit­ed a youth move­ment with the 1970s Yan­kees. Now, over 40 years after Mun­son’s shock­ing death in a plane crash at age 32, Blomberg opens up to author Dan Epstein about the beloved Yan­kees cap­tain in an extra­or­di­nary mem­oir that reach­es far beyond base­ball.? By turns hilar­i­ous and heart­break­ing, The Cap­tain & Me shares tales of club­house hijinks dur­ing the infa­mous Bronx Zoo era, adven­tures on the road, and even rub­bing shoul­ders with mob­sters. Blomberg also offers a fas­ci­nat­ing glimpse into base­ball his­to­ry, includ­ing the first-ever strike and lock­out, the esca­la­tion of the Yan­kees-Red Sox rival­ry, and the start of full-scale free agency. This illu­mi­nat­ing remem­brance of Mun­son is filled with untold sto­ries about his ana­lyt­i­cal-yet-hard-nosed approach to base­ball, as well as his kind­ness and gen­eros­i­ty off the field.

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