
The Bridge to Hope & Heal­ing: 9 Prin­ci­ples to Guide You in a Moment of Crisis

  • From the Publisher
January 1, 2013

Moments of cri­sis hap­pen. With extra­or­di­nary can­dor, Becky guides read­ers through her own per­son­al cri­sis and demon­strates how to thrive in one’s own life. Apply­ing the Prin­ci­ples she mod­eled from her Nana, she turned a fam­i­ly cri­sis into a jour­ney of friend­ship, love, respect, and accep­tance. Becky’s ear­ly expe­ri­ences in the south­ern Jew­ish com­mu­ni­ty nur­tured the growth of her spir­i­tu­al­i­ty, which pro­vid­ed a sense of belong­ing, a con­nec­tion to oth­ers, and a place of shalom. Over time, this matured into her Jew­ish iden­ti­ty, belief sys­tem, and abil­i­ty to hope. Togeth­er with her social work back­ground, Becky pro­vides the frame­work to help bridge and shape your path across a moment of cri­sis, so that adver­si­ty does not neg­a­tive­ly impact your life. The book under­scores issues of divorce, fam­i­ly, rela­tion­ships, com­ing-out, mul­ti­ple crises, hope and heal­ing — all rel­e­vant to the Jew­ish com­mu­ni­ty. More than just a self-help book, the sto­ry reminds us that we are not alone, and through hope and heal­ing, we can trans­form a life cir­cum­stance by fos­ter­ing a vision and mov­ing it to action.

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