
The Book of Izzy

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

Izzy’s a writer at wit’s end in life, with love and on the verge of a com­plete break­down with his career in wed­ding plan­ning. Fol­low­ing an encounter with a mys­te­ri­ous bird seem­ing­ly vis­i­ble only to him, he soon finds him­self agree­ing to take on the lead­ing role in an ama­teur pro­duc­tion of the great­est play in all of the Yid­dish the­atre: The Dyb­buk, a goth­ic tale of des­tiny, pos­ses­sion and the tri­umph of love over all.

But when the play’s direc­tor dies sud­den­ly and the the­atre is threat­ened with imme­di­ate clo­sure, Izzy is thrust into a much greater role, one he’ll soon learn he was pre­des­tined to play. In the process, he embarks on a fan­ci­ful, roman­tic voy­age that will not only force him to come to terms with his Jew­ish iden­ti­ty, but to also con­front the mys­te­ri­ous bird that holds the key to pre­serv­ing the past and ensur­ing the sur­vival of his heritage.

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