
The Bohemi­an Love Diaries

  • From the Publisher
May 13, 2013
A com­pelling com­ing-of-age tale infused with south­ern charm, The Bohemi­an Love Diaries chron­i­cles Slash Cole­man’s upbring­ing in a warped but lov­ing house­hold of eccen­tric artists. Descend­ed from a posse of off-beat immi­grants — includ­ing a grand­fa­ther who danced at the Moulin Rouge — and raised in the cap­i­tal of the Con­fed­er­a­cy dur­ing the 70s and 80s, young Slash sets out to find true love. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, he’s his own worst ene­my. Obses­sions with Evel Kniev­el, rock band KISS, and a com­plex addic­tion to find the girl of his dreams set his quest for hap­pi­ness on a hap­less course. Alter­nate­ly hilar­i­ous and pro­found, Cole­man, a bril­liant young artist, comes to terms with his father, a genius sculp­tor and volatile alco­holic, and his moth­er, a Holo­caust sur­vivor who makes her son promise nev­er to reveal that he’s Jew­ish. With sto­ries reach­ing to the core of Jew­ish iden­ti­ty and what it means to ride on the cul­tur­al coat­tails of a his­to­ry steeped in faith, a ten­der por­trait emerges of a man whose cre­ative spir­it refus­es to be sup­pressed.

Read Slash Cole­man’s Posts for the Vis­it­ing Scribe

Love Kar­ma and Escap­ing the Bruis­es of Life 

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