
The Big Dreams of Small Creatures

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

When Eden, a Black and Jew­ish ten-year-old, saves a wasp nest from destruc­tion, she finds that her mitz­vah has earned her the friend­ship of the Wasp Queen. The two dis­cov­er that with a lit­tle inge­nu­ity and empa­thy, they can com­mu­ni­cate. Their con­ver­sa­tion sends Eden, whose mixed her­itage has inspired her pas­sion for activism and tikkun olam, on an adven­ture to the Insti­tute for Low­er Learn­ing — a sub­ter­ranean sanc­tu­ary devot­ed to the peace­ful coex­is­tence of humans and insects. But for all it’s won­der, its full of secrets and dan­ger, too.

It’s the Insti­tute’s secrets that nine-year-old August is after. After some dis­as­trous encoun­ters with insects, August is one pest-relat­ed humil­i­a­tion away from becom­ing an out­cast. He’s ready to use the Insti­tute’s secrets to squash every bug into obliv­ion. But Eden and the insects are ready to pro­tect the Insti­tute — despite August’s plans. Filled with humor, adven­ture, and heart, The Big Dreams of Small Crea­tures is about friend­ship, empa­thy, and learn­ing you don’t have to be big to make a big dif­fer­ence in the world.

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