
Tevye’s Grand­chil­dren: Redis­cov­er­ing Jew­ish Identity

Eleanor Mal­let
  • Review
By – August 16, 2012
Eleanor Mallet’s new book is a per­son­al mem­oir about her explo­ration and redis­cov­ery of her Jew­ish iden­ti­ty. Raised in an assim­i­lat­ed Jew­ish home, Mal­let was famil­iar with many of the cul­tur­al tra­di­tions and oblig­a­tions of Judaism. How­ev­er, it was not until her adult sons became reli­gious that she began to delve into the mean­ing of her own Jew­ish iden­ti­ty, cul­mi­nat­ing in her own study of Hebrew and Jew­ish his­to­ry, a trip to Israel and even­tu­al­ly to Ger­many as well. 

This book will be par­tic­u­lar­ly inter­est­ing for those Jews who were raised in Jew­ish homes, but gained new under­stand­ing of their Jew­ish iden­ti­ty through the reli­gious jour­neys of their children.
Bar­bara S. Cohen is a tri­al attor­ney in Los Ange­les who spe­cial­izes in child abuse cas­es. She is a mem­ber of NAMI and a sup­port­er of NARSAD, and is an advo­cate for those who suf­fer from men­tal illness.

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