
Tatae’s Promise

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

The nev­er-before-told, true sto­ry of Hin­da Mondlak’s escape from Auschwitz is a remark­able saga of courage, fam­i­ly, faith and endur­ing love. 

Hin­da was eigh­teen years old when an axe crashed through the door of her home. Nazi sol­diers swarmed inside. Hin­da, her par­ents, and two sis­ters were hauled to the Mlawa ghet­to for one rea­son: They were Jews.

After bare­ly sur­viv­ing years in the ghet­to, Hin­da was impris­oned at Auschwitz for two years. She endured rabid hunger, slave labor, and bar­barous bru­tal­i­ties while cling­ing to her father’s promise— I know for cer­tain that you will live, and you will tell”.

Hin­da devised a dar­ing plot to escape Auschwitz with her sis­ter, Rachel. Hin­da bril­liant­ly exe­cut­ed the plan only to find the two of them run­ning for their lives — from both Ger­mans and Rus­sians. 

Two sub­plots, fea­tur­ing Wolf Yoskowitz and Dr. Wal­ter Zeil­hofen, inter­twine with Hinda’s life in sur­pris­ing ways. Wolf, a young Jew­ish man, endures four years of hor­rors at Buchen­wald. Wal­ter, a Ger­man doc­tor, reluc­tant­ly works at Auschwitz under the noto­ri­ous Dr. Josef Mengele.

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