
Tasa’s Song: A Novel

  • From the Publisher
February 10, 2016

A nov­el inspired by true events of 1943. Tasa Rosin­s­ki and five rel­a­tives escape their rur­al vil­lage in east­ern Poland, escap­ing cer­tain death to find refuge in a bunker beneath a barn built by their long­time employ­ee.

A decade ear­li­er, ten-year-old Tasa dreams of some­day play­ing her vio­lin like Pagani­ni. To con­tin­ue her school­ing, she leaves her fam­i­ly for a near­by town, join­ing her old­er cousin Danik at a pri­vate Catholic acad­e­my, where her musi­cal tal­ent flour­ish­es despite esca­lat­ing polit­i­cal ten­sion. But after the war breaks out and the east­ern swath of Poland falls under Sovi­et con­trol, Tasa’s rel­a­tives become Com­mu­nist tar­gets, her ten­der new rela­tion­ship is imper­iled, and the fam­i­ly’s secure world unrav­els.

From a peace­ful vil­lage in east­ern Poland to par­ti­tioned post-war Vien­na, Tasa’s Song cel­e­brates the endur­ing pow­er of the human spirit.

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