Take Your Soul to Work is intended as a series of self-contained essays, each of which challenges leaders — whether professional or volunteer — to examine an important value of their occupation. Each essay contains either a story exemplifying a particular value (or its opposite) or a quotation about the value. The referenced texts come from a wide variety of sources: Jewish texts, texts of other religious traditions, literature, popular music, movies, and more. The quotations are not only useful in illustrating the particular value, but also provide the reader with sources that s/he will be eager to examine beyond what appears in the book. Some readers will want to use this for daily study over a year. Others will be so intrigued that they will read the book from cover to cover, grabbing tidbits of wisdom and looking forward to further reading about the values and stories mentioned. If you have not yet learned from Erica Brown’s teachings and wisdom, this is a great place to start. And if you are already a student of hers, this will be a welcome new addition to her works.

Take Your Soul to Work: 365 Meditations on Every Day Leadership
- Review
– May 19, 2015
Rabbi Arnold D. Samlan is a Jewish educator and rabbi living in Miami, Florida. He serves as executive director of the Orloff Central Agency for Jewish Education of Broward County.
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