
Sur­vival Lessons

  • From the Publisher
May 13, 2013

Sur­vival Lessons pro­vides a road map of how to reclaim your life from this day for­ward, with ways to re-envi­sion every­thing — from rela­tion­ships with friends and fam­i­ly to the way you see your­self. From host­ing din­ner par­ties to adopt­ing dogs, to whether to take that trip you’ve been think­ing about, Alice Hoff­man pro­vides wise, gen­tle and wry coun­sel. As she says, In many ways I wrote Sur­vival Lessons to remind myself of the beau­ty of life, some­thing that’s all too easy to over­look dur­ing the cri­sis of ill­ness or loss. I for­got that our lives are made up of equal parts of sor­row and joy, and that it is impos­si­ble to have one with­out the oth­er… I wrote to remind myself that despite every­thing that was hap­pen­ing to me, there were still choic­es I could make.” Can­did and ten­der, Sur­vival Lessons teach­es all of us how to choose what mat­ters most.

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