
Sun­day’s on the Phone to Monday

  • From the Publisher
May 3, 2016

Clau­dio and Mathilde Simone, once roman­tic bohemi­ans hope­less­ly enam­ored of each oth­er, find them­selves nes­tled in domes­tic­i­ty in New York, run­ning a strug­gling vinyl record store and par­ent­ing three daugh­ters as best they can: Natasha, an over­achiev­ing prodi­gy; sen­si­tive Lucy, with a debil­i­tat­ing heart con­di­tion; and Car­ly, and adopt­ed roman­tic who is qui­et­ly fix­at­ed on dis­cov­er­ing her true ori­gins.

The years put their tight-knit fam­i­ly bonds to the test as the Simones face men­tal and phys­i­cal ill­ness, finan­cial dif­fi­cul­ties, and well-kept secrets. Through the ups and downs, they look to their favorite lyrics, to poet­ry, and to one anoth­er for strength. The nov­el­’s poet­ic vignettes intro­duce read­ers to a wide range of char­ac­ters that influ­ence the Simones lives, from the Holo­caust sur­vivor who speaks at Car­ly’s school to the Aunt the girls don’t know they have. Writ­ten in lumi­nous, whim­si­cal prose, Sun­day’s on the Phone to Mon­day is an arrest­ing fam­i­ly love story.

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