The third installment in the Adventures of a Lifetime series, this book is set in the period of the Ottoman Empire in Jerusalem, a historical setting not usually well detailed in fiction for this age group. It is well written and superior to others in the series. The twelve-year-old protagonists, Avraham from Jerusalem and Alex from America, have just a few months until their bar mitzvahs. The two take on the dual tasks of locating Rabbi Yekusiel, a dear friend of Avraham’s father who has been kidnapped, while at the same time, trying to identify those who are pressuring students in a local yeshiva to transfer to the school the Ottomans prefer, the Lemel school. Is money an issue in either of these undertakings? A cast of mysterious strangers appear and disappear from the boys’ lives including Americans, British, and local Jewish and Arab residents of Jerusalem, as they try to resolve these questions. This is both a historical mystery and a coming of age story and there is much colorful interplay between the Ashkenazim and Sephardim of the Israel of the time.
While the characters and backgrounds are clearly Orthodox, the book’s action sustains interest for those readers who have no familiarity with the lifestyle or the historical period.
A glossary of Hebrew words used in the story appears at the end of the book. Recommended for ages 10 – 14