
Sam­my Spider’s First Taste of Hanukkah: A Cookbook

Sylvia Rouss and Genene Turn­dorf; Kather­ine Janus Kahn, illus.
  • Review
By – June 21, 2016

The team behind the Sam­my Spi­der books is back, hav­ing cre­at­ed a Hanukkah cook­book. Like most cook­books, it is divid­ed into sec­tions based on dif­fer­ent types of food: Sim­ple Snacks, Mir­a­cle Meals, Tasty Treats and a sec­tion titled Crafty Ideas. The recipes are sim­ple, as are most of the ingre­di­ents, and the book is meant for adults and chil­dren to read and enjoy mak­ing the recipes togeth­er. Chil­dren need a lot of super­vi­sion in the kitchen and the direc­tions make it clear to chil­dren that they will need adult help. 

Kather­ine Janus Kahn’s illus­tra­tions are as bright and vibrant as ever.

The food is Hanukkah-themed and the team worked hard to fit all the recipe titles into the theme, as well. 

Addi­tion­al mate­r­i­al in the back of the book teach­es about Hanukkah and light­ing the meno­rah. There is also an intro­duc­to­ry sec­tion for adults to read to chil­dren which sets up the Sam­my theme and intro­duces the recipes. This book would be a great resource for par­ents who have chil­dren home on win­ter break” and has edu­ca­tion­al com­po­nents, as well; it would be espe­cial­ly use­ful for num­ber and count­ing activ­i­ties. Fam­i­lies and class­es will enjoy dig­ging into” this book.

Rec­om­mend­ed for ages 4 — 8 with adult supervision.

Relat­ed Content:

Deb­bie Fed­er is cur­rent­ly the Direc­tor of the LRC at Ida Crown Jew­ish Acad­e­my in Chica­go. She has her Mas­ters in Library and Infor­ma­tion Sci­ence from Domini­can Uni­ver­si­ty. She has spent more than ten years intro­duc­ing chil­dren and young adults to lit­er­a­ture and infor­ma­tion lit­er­a­cy at schools and pub­lic libraries. She is the author of Jel­ly Bean’s Art Muse­um Adven­ture and is hon­ored to have been a mem­ber of the Syd­ney Tay­lor Book Award Committee.

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