
Salt in My Soul: An Unfin­ished Life

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

Salt in My Soul is a tes­ta­ment to love, deter­mi­na­tion, and the heal­ing pow­er of mem­oir as med­i­cine. It’s a clas­sic com­ing of age sto­ry about a young woman named Mal­lo­ry fig­ur­ing out how to live ful­ly while dying. In so doing, she secret­ly doc­u­ment­ed her inner thoughts in her diary while throw­ing her­self at life: friend­ships in ele­men­tary school, boyfriends and sports teams in high school, the lit­tle trav­el her dis­ease would allow. She attend­ed col­lege and explored the wider world, one that was just beyond her grasp. She became a devot­ed envi­ron­men­tal­ist, see­ing a star­tling and vivid metaphor for her declin­ing health in the destruc­tion of our world. All the while Mal­lo­ry fought. And wrote; about her fears, her loves, her pain, her depres­sion, her hopes, and gave voice to the many mil­lions who strug­gle with invis­i­ble or vis­i­ble ill­ness, turn­ing her pain into pur­pose. In Mallory’s final days, her father uncov­ered a long-for­got­ten treat­ment that is now chang­ing the world of med­i­cine but, heart­break­ing­ly, it came too late to save his daughter.

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