
Remem­ber You Will Die

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

Remem­ber You Will Die is a genre-bend­ing sto­ry told in linked obit­u­ar­ies and news­feeds over three hun­dred years about one AI woman grap­pling with her grief after the mys­te­ri­ous death of her human daugh­ter, and won­der­ing what it real­ly means to be human.

Pop­py Fletch­er dies too young, and the entire world is eager to accept it and move on. Except for her moth­er, who is no ordi­nary moth­er. She is Pere­grine, an AI woman walk­ing the earth, a fugi­tive loathed and mis­un­der­stood by the very peo­ple who aid­ed in and ben­e­fit­ted from her cre­ation. As more details emerge about Poppy’s death, the facts add up less and less.

The sto­ry of Pop­py and Pere­grine spans sev­er­al cen­turies of obit­u­ar­ies, and reveals a plan­et slow­ly dying, a world increas­ing­ly dis­con­nect­ed, and the con­se­quences of ego and greed. The lives, deaths, and grief of oth­ers through­out his­to­ry uncov­er not only what hap­pened to Pop­py, but a tale of art and love, betray­al and redemp­tion — and ulti­mate­ly, what it means to be alive.

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