I look outside at the snow: frozen water H2O molecules. If these molecules weren’t quantum entities they wouldn’t exist. (And we wouldn’t exist. If we did exist we would be tiny only as tall as the thickness of a human hair but still of our same weight.) I answer my cell phone. (LCD display wires semiconductor chips.) Were it not for their quantum makeup none of these could exist. Ours is a beautiful fascinating quantum world. And the understanding of its quantum nature is already responsible for innovations accounting for a third of our economy. Jewish scientists were prominent in the development of that understanding including Einstein Bohr, Pauli Born Feynman, and Gell-Mann, all Nobel laureates. I wrote this book to provide the thoughtful general reader a math-free jargon-free accurate view into this quantum world. I describe the scientists involved and inventions that have resulted (from lasers semiconductors and HDTVs to superpowerful quantum computers). All presented in the context of the rich history in science and human events of the last 120 years.

Quantum Fuzz
- From the Publisher
May 16, 2017
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