Poverty and Charity in the Jewish Community of Medieval Egypt is an important contribution that provides a window onto the daily lives of the poor. Previously this information came only from the institutions and individuals who gave relief to the less fortunate, but here Cohen studies poverty from the viewpoint of both the poor and those who provided for them. For this book Cohen has mined the richest body of documents available on the matter: the papers of the Cairo Geniza of the medieval synagogue in Old Cairo. It has been over a century since Solomon Schechter discovered the Cairo Geniza, and its riches have not yet been exhausted. Cohen is the Near Eastern Studies Professor at Princeton University.

Poverty and Charity in the Jewish Community of Medieval Egypt
- Review
– June 25, 2012
David Levy (B.A. Haverford College, MLS UMCP, Ph.D. Baltimore Hebrew University) currently serves as the librarian at TC. LCW. David has published over 1,800 book reviews and various papers in Judaica library science including, most recently, “Halakhic Ethical Issues of the Online Environment” (AJL, 2011, Montreal) and “Teaching Judaica Library Science” (AJL, 2010 Seattle).
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