
Poor Ban­ished Chil­dren of Eve: Women as Evil in the Hebrew Bible

Gale A. Yee
  • Review
By – August 15, 2012
In the author’s own words, she seeks to inves­ti­gate the sym­bol­iza­tion of women as the incar­na­tion of moral evil, sin, dev­as­ta­tion, and death in the Hebrew Bible and how the sym­bol­iza­tion of a par­tic­u­lar gen­der inter­con­nects with the issues of race/​ethnicity, class, and colo­nial­ism dur­ing the times of its pro­duc­tion. 

Ground­ed in a the­o­ret­i­cal frame­work and a close read­ing of the text, Yee explores sev­er­al bib­li­cal texts in depth. Her first chap­ters pro­vide her ide­o­log­i­cal and method­olog­i­cal frame­work for the read­er. She then pro­ceeds with a close read­ing of texts that exem­pli­fy her approach and tease out mean­ings and argu­ments. These include Eve in Gen­e­sis, faith­less Israel in Hosea, the two sis­ters in Ezekiel, and the Oth­er Woman in Proverbs. 

The book is intend­ed for the schol­ar and assumes a cer­tain amount of knowl­edge on the part of the read­er. There are exten­sive foot­notes and a bibliography
Martha Sparks is a Ph.D. stu­dent in clin­i­cal psy­chol­o­gy. She lives and stud­ies in New Jersey.

Discussion Questions