
Poets of the Bible

  • From the Publisher
May 16, 2017

The world’s great­est poet­ry resides in the Bible, yet these major poets are tra­di­tion­al­ly ren­dered into prose. In this pio­neer­ing vol­ume, Willis Barn­stone’s trans­la­tions restore the lyri­cism and pow­er of the poets’ voic­es in both the New and the Old Tes­ta­ments. In the Hebrew Bible we hear Solomon rhap­sodize in Song of Songs, David chant in Psalms, God and Job debate in grand rhetoric, and prophet-poet Isa­iah plead for peace. Jesus speaks in wis­dom verse in the Gospel, Paul is a philoso­pher of love, and John of Pat­mos roars majes­ti­cal­ly in Rev­e­la­tion, the Bible’s epic poem. This ground­break­ing vol­ume includes every major bib­li­cal poem from Gen­e­sis and Adam and Eve in the Gar­den to the last pages of Alpha and Omega in Paradise.

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