
Play­ing Drei­del With Judah Maccabee

  • From the Publisher
April 20, 2012
The play told in eight scenes, cor­re­spond­ing to the eight days of Hanukkah. A mod­ern boy named Jonathan finds Judah Mac­cabee in an aban­doned room, which exists both in Jonathan’s tem­ple and the ancient Tem­ple in Jerusalem. Jonathan explains to Judah the odd mod­ern prac­tices that com­mem­o­rate the ancient bat­tles. At first Judah is hor­ri­fied, but then he comes to learn why the boy needs those tra­di­tions. The play exam­ines the con­cepts of ancient and mod­ern per­spec­tives on war and reli­gion, but at the same time cel­e­brates the Jew­ish abil­i­ty to per­se­vere dur­ing dif­fi­cult times. It is filled with music and gen­tle humor. Beyond the script, the book includes an intro­duc­tion by the author, a brief his­to­ry of the his­tor­i­cal Judah Mac­cabee, and a short study guide with sug­gest­ed ques­tions after. The script can be used as a basis for per­for­mance or sim­ply read as lit­er­a­ture. Either way, it is a fes­tive and enter­tain­ing way to learn about the ori­gins of Hanukkah, as well as the hol­i­day as we cel­e­brate it today.



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