Although Pirke Avot is found in every prayer book and has been translated countless times, this new edition differs from the others in that William Berkson intends for the reader and scholar to use his editon as a guide to the ethical challenges we face today.
The book contains the full text of Pirke Avot in English and Hebrew on facing pages. Berkson’s commentary explores the ethical, psychological, and religious significance of the sayings. Each chapter concludes with a section called Modern Life, in which Berkson brings insights from the ancient Greeks, the Enlightenment, Eastern religions, and modern thinkers to bear on this classic Jewish work.
Berkson’s new Pirke Avot is fascinating and fun to read at the same time. It is perfect for personal use or as a way to encourage family discussions around the Shabbat table. Index.

Pirke Avot: Timeless Wisdom for Modern Life
- Review
– February 23, 2012
Micah D. Halpern is a columnist and a social and political commentator. He is the author of What You Need To Know About: Terror, and maintains The Micah Report at
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