
Peace, Jus­tice, and Jews: Reclaim­ing Our Tradition

Ste­fan Merken and Mur­ray Pol­ner, eds.
  • From the Publisher
October 11, 2011
Inci­sive essays from pro­gres­sive thinkers and activists advo­cat­ing for the Jew­ish tra­di­tion of non-vio­lence and com­pas­sion. The tra­di­tion of peace and jus­tice, nour­ished dur­ing two mil­len­nia of the Dias­po­ra, has found Jews at the fore­front of strug­gles for civ­il rights, labor rights, anti-mil­i­tarism, and com­pas­sion for the most vul­ner­a­ble among us: the poor, the hun­gry, and the oppressed. This affir­ma­tive tra­di­tion is ground­ed in the belief that only when human rights are respect­ed for all, can Jews find true equal­i­ty and secu­ri­ty. Edi­tors Mur­ray Pol­ner and Ste­fan Merken have gath­ered the per­son­al tes­ti­monies and prac­tices of an increas­ing­ly vocal – and per­ti­nent – num­ber of Jews in Israel and the Unit­ed States: char­i­ty work­ers, polit­i­cal demon­stra­tors, con­sci­en­tious objec­tors, prison work­ers, ani­mal rights advo­cates, moth­ers and fathers, refuseniks, rab­bis, sol­diers, jour­nal­ists, and academics.

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