
Par­ent­ing on a Prayer: Ancient Jew­ish Secrets for Rais­ing Mod­ern Children

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2019

Some­times the job of par­ent­ing seems down­right over­whelm­ing and many par­ents may won­der where they can turn for help and sup­port. For thou­sands of years, Jew­ish tra­di­tion has offered guid­ance as to how to par­ent our chil­dren, but is that guid­ance rel­e­vant to today’s par­ent? Author Amy Gross­blatt Pes­sah offers a resound­ing Yes!” In her book, Par­ent­ing on a Prayer: Ancient Jew­ish Secrets for Rais­ing Mod­ern Chil­dren, Rab­bi Amy Gross­blatt Pes­sah mines the Jew­ish prayer book and dis­cov­ers key val­ues for thought­ful par­ent­ing, relat­ing these val­ues to the lessons she learned as a moth­er rais­ing her three chil­dren. Pes­sah uses prayers and sacred teach­ings, as well as per­son­al anec­dotes, to craft a mind­ful, lov­ing, and firm par­ent­ing strat­e­gy. She invites par­ents to learn not only from Jew­ish texts but also from their own inner wis­dom. By weav­ing togeth­er Jew­ish texts and one’s inner wis­dom, Pes­sah shares mean­ing­ful ways to raise today’s chil­dren with essen­tial val­ues such as love, humor, respon­si­bil­i­ty, and confidence.

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