
Out­side Voic­es: A Mem­oir of the Berke­ley Revolution

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

After liv­ing for six months on a kib­butz in north­ern Israel, a young writer trav­els to Berke­ley, CA. from NYC. Intend­ing to return to Israel, her plans change when she finds a bur­geon­ing com­mu­ni­ty of women who encour­age and sup­port her lit­er­ary aspi­ra­tions. 

At the height of sec­ond-wave fem­i­nism, she joins the fight for women’s rights while strug­gling with her Jew­ish and sex­u­al iden­ti­ty. 

Mov­ing in with a women’s band, she finds her way as a social activist while attempt­ing to heal from the untime­ly death of her beloved father. 

With­in a short peri­od of time, our pro­tag­o­nist is pub­lished, is named Poet­ry Edi­tor of Plexus, a women’s news­pa­per, and has a song record­ed and aired nation­al­ly. High­lights include per­form­ing at a women’s prison, a writ­ing retreat in the Pacif­ic North­west where she finds her authen­tic voice, and a road trip to Mex­i­co that near­ly lands her and her trav­el­ing com­pan­ions in jail. 

Rich with inti­mate details of liv­ing with a com­mu­ni­ty of artists, musi­cians, film­mak­ers, and aca­d­e­mics, Out­side Voic­es is a report­ing of a lit­tle known peri­od of women’s history.

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