Visu­al Arts

Out of the Nar­rows: The Artists’ Hag­gadah — A Visu­al Midrash

Jew­ish Artists Col­lec­tive Chicago

  • Review
By – March 10, 2021

The Jew­ish Artists Col­lec­tive of Chica­go, found­ed in 2016, is a com­mu­ni­ty of mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary artists joined by a com­mon mis­sion of cre­at­ing con­tem­po­rary, engag­ing, and thought­ful work that reflects Jew­ish themes and val­ues.” Out of the Nar­rows was born out of the desire to con­nect the themes of Passover with the real­i­ties of cel­e­brat­ing the hol­i­day dur­ing the COVID pan­dem­ic. The Hag­gadah includes full-col­or images and thought­ful per­son­al reflec­tions on the artists’ pieces. The pieces are paired with the themes of the rit­u­als and read­ings of an adapt­ed and abbre­vi­at­ed — but main­ly orig­i­nal — text. The Haggadah’s lay­out is beau­ti­ful­ly craft­ed, as one might expect from a book designed by artists. Out of the Nar­rows is a visu­al feast, and is appro­pri­ate for adult audi­ences com­fort­able with draw­ing their own dis­cus­sion from the themes found in the Seder and the accom­pa­ny­ing art.

This is part of the Passover 5781/2021 Hag­gadah Roundup.

Jonathan Fass is the Senior Man­ag­ing Direc­tor of RootOne at The Jew­ish Edu­ca­tion Project of New York.

Discussion Questions