
On a Char­i­ot of Fire: The Sto­ry of India’s Bene Israel

  • From the Publisher
August 28, 2023

Fea­tur­ing the oth­er side of the Hanukkah sto­ry, A Char­i­ot of Fire fol­lows the Bene Israel com­mu­ni­ty, as they flee Israel to find a new home in India.

Two thou­sand years ago, a ship sailed east, alone on an end­less sea.
The peo­ple onboard were flee­ing the same war that the Mac­cabees
fought in the ancient land of Israel. They took with them their faith
and their tra­di­tions, know­ing they would sail for more than a year.
When a great storm crushed their boat on the shores of India, only a few sur­vived.
Some say the prophet Eli­jah plucked them from the sea.
But they were wel­comed by the peo­ple of the new land.
They sur­vived and adapt­ed, with new spices for their food and
new cloth­ing and cul­ture to bor­row, but nev­er strayed from their faith.
They say Eli­jah came back down from Heav­en in a char­i­ot of fire, to praise
this com­mu­ni­ty, the Bene Israel of India for their strength, and their belief.
Here, for all to share, is their story.

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