With text adapted from the King James Version of the Bible, the focus of this gorgeous picture book is the story of Noah and the great flood as represented in fine works of art. A brief yet welcome introduction discusses the universality and endurance of the tale and its themes of redemption and hope. The included art is European in origin, and includes paintings, prints, tapestry, and illustration, primarily from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. While children may be unfamiliar with the historical style of much of the art, they will recognize the drama of Noah’s encounter with God, the familiar imagery of the animals boarding the ark two by two, and the rainbow that appears when the flood waters recede. End credits include brief biographies of the artists. A beautiful book for all art lovers and designed for children ages 4 – 7.

Noah’s Ark
- Review
– March 27, 2017
Teri Markson has been a children’s librarian for over 18 years. She is currently the acting senior librarian at the Valley Plaza Branch Library in North Hollywood, CA.
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