This collection of forty-three true and fictional stories by leading Jewish authors, storytellers, and educators has found its audience with all ages and groups across the spectrum of Jewish life and learning. Each tale excites the imagination, opens the heart, and stimulates reflection, discussion, and action. The stories pose challenges that highlight the life-enhancing effect of mitzvah-centered living throughout each waking day. Over 60 Jewish values are covered with, stimulating tales about Shabbat and Holy Days to core Jewish ethics like lo “tikom v’lo titur—refraining from holding a grudge and taking revenge.” New Mitzvah Stories celebrates contemporary, inclusive Jewish values. This book is part of an award-winning series from Reclaiming Judaism Press, ensuring all manner of Jewish individuals and families will be able to find themselves in Jewish stories. Included after each chapter is a Study Guide by co-editor Rabbi Dr. Goldie Milgram, MSW, a leader in the emerging field of Jewish spiritual education. Included are accessibly translated sacred texts, discussion questions, learning activities, and tikkun olam possibilities for all ages and settings.

New Mitzvah Stories for the Whole Family
- From the Publisher
May 19, 2015
Discussion Questions

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