
Mis­sion at Nurem­berg: An Amer­i­can Army Chap­lain and the Tri­al of the Nazis

  • From the Publisher
January 16, 2014

Luther­an min­is­ter Hen­ry Gerecke was fifty years old when he enlist­ed as an Army chap­lain dur­ing World War II. As two of his three sons faced dan­ger and death on the bat­tle­field, Gerecke tend­ed to the bat­tered bod­ies and souls of wound­ed and dying GIs out­side Lon­don. At the war’s end, when oth­er sol­diers were com­ing home, Gerecke was recruit­ed for the most dif­fi­cult engage­ment of his life: min­is­ter­ing to the twen­ty-one Nazi lead­ers await­ing tri­al at Nuremberg.

Based on scrupu­lous research and first-hand accounts, Mis­sion at Nurem­berg takes us inside the Nurem­berg Palace of Jus­tice and into the cells of the accused. As the dra­ma lead­ing to the court’s final judg­ments unfolds, Tim Townsend brings to life the devel­op­ing rela­tion­ship between Gerecke and the impris­oned Nazis as they await­ed trial

Pow­er­ful and har­row­ing, Mis­sion at Nurem­berg offers a fresh look at one of the most hor­ri­fy­ing times in human his­to­ry, prob­ing dif­fi­cult spir­i­tu­al and eth­i­cal issues, forc­ing us to con­front the ulti­mate moral ques­tion: Are some men so evil they are beyond redemption?

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