Meshuggah Food Faces is packed with 100 funny food art images with a Jewish sense of humor by artist Bill Wurtzel. They reflect his youth in the Borscht Belt. He began creating them to amuse his wife Claire when they were married in 1961. Claire’s funny captions are inspired by her Jewish upbringing on New York City’s Lower East Side which included attending 2nd Avenue Yiddish Theater performances. In Bill’s hands, the foods evoke happiness, sadness, friendship and beauty. A gefilte fish couple argues, blintzes are buddies, challah is a kallah, blueberries feel blue, and two matzoh balls become friends in a bowl of chicken soup. You’ll meet Jewish family members Uncle Max the Macher, Cousin Yetta the Yenta, and celebrities like Flankenstein, Banana Streisand and Sigmund Fruit. There’s a food face for each Jewish “challahday,” plus a hilarious riff on a dating site with a bunch of whacky characters. The book concludes with instructions on how to go meshuggah and create your own food art.

Visual Arts
Meshuggah Food Faces
- From the Publisher
September 1, 2020
Discussion Questions

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