
Make­up Tips from Auschwitz: How Van­i­ty Saved my Moth­er’s Life

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2019

Meet Olga. Auschwitz pris­on­er A‑25057, aka Mom. A fear­less and unpre­dictable mav­er­ick. An orig­i­nal. Expos­ing the souls of a fam­i­ly for all to see, this humor­ous mem­oir is an addic­tive page-turn­er. The author’s voice res­onates with a lyri­cal cadence all his own and an unset­tling can­dor rem­i­nis­cent of David Sedaris. Like the Oscar-win­ning film Life Is Beau­ti­ful, Schnur­ma­ch­er revis­its the Holo­caust with rays of light in the dark­ness. Sparkling with chutz­pah and charm, it’s a sto­ry of a fam­i­ly’s cul­tur­al col­li­sion and delight­ful dys­func­tion. It’s filled with the grow­ing pains of Shtisel, the earth­i­ness of The Simp­sons, and the fierce fam­i­ly loy­al­ty of The Sopra­nos. These new­com­ers from Hun­gary who defied author­i­ty fig­ured out that con­ven­tion­al val­ues were not enough. You will laugh out loud at the pass­ing parade, which includes John Lennon, Eliz­a­beth Tay­lor, and Crys­tal Nacht and a cast of char­ac­ters who rede­fine eccen­tric: one ther­a­pist, sev­er­al rab­bis, and a super­sti­tious hypochon­dri­ac named Paris. As you get to know these muti­neers, you’ll want to orga­nize an inter­ven­tion. Or at least a Passover seder.

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