
Love, Me

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

Rachel Miller is a lawyer and moth­er of two who’s just as com­fort­able in a court­room as she is on the side­lines of a soc­cer field. Sure, her mar­riage is on autopi­lot, her par­ents are over­ly involved, and the oth­er sub­ur­ban moms are just a lit­tle bit cat­ty. But if you ask Rachel, life is good. That is until her world is upend­ed when racy pho­tos of her and her high school boyfriend, the famous actor Jack Bel­low — along with his love let­ters to her— are pub­lished in a tabloid, unex­pect­ed­ly thrust­ing Rachel into the spot­light. This new­found atten­tion calls into ques­tion her mar­riage, her career, and her super­star ex. Betrayed by some­one she trust­ed and reunit­ed with the man she tried so hard to for­get, Rachel must ask her­self, How did I get here? And what do I real­ly want?”

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