
Kvetchy Boy

Anne-Marie Baila Asner
  • Review
By – June 15, 2012

Kvetchy Boy com­plains almost all the time and about almost every­thing. Even at his birth­day par­ty, Kvetchy Boy kvetch­es so much that his friends, Noshy Boy, Klutzy Boy and Shluffy Girl ignore him at school the next day. When Kvetchy Boy tells his Bubbe Kvel­ly, My friends are mad at me. They say I com­plain too much,” Bubbe Kvel­ly sug­gests, Many things are less than per­fect, but if you kvetch all the time, peo­ple stop lis­ten­ing. Then when you have some­thing impor­tant to com­plain about no one will help.” The next day, after Kvetchy Boy tells his friends he will stop kvetch­ing about the lit­tle things, his friends play with him again. 

This lit­tle book will help chil­dren real­ize how their com­plain­ing affects their rela­tion­ships. A glos­sary of Yid­dish words appears in the back of the book. With the help of the glos­sary and the easy-read­er for­mat, this sim­ple sto­ry is appro­pri­ate for ear­ly read­ers. The illus­tra­tions are child­like, bright­ly col­ored, and fill the top half of each page. Preschool chil­dren will enjoy hav­ing this sto­ry read to them. On a cau­tion­ary note, how­ev­er, one might ques­tion whether this series is enabling chil­dren to use these Yid­dish labels in a demean­ing way. Ages 3 – 5

Diane Levin Rauschw­erg­er is librar­i­an for Con­gre­ga­tion Beth Am, Los Altos Hills, CA, and has worked as a children’s librar­i­an for the Sun­ny­vale Pub­lic Library. She is the author of a series of children’s pic­ture books, includ­ing Dinosaur on Hanukkah, Dinosaur on Passover, and Dinosaur on Shab­bat, pub­lished by Kar-Ben Publishing.

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