
Kar­ma Gone Bad: How I Learned to Love Man­gos, Bol­ly­wood and Water Buffalo

  • From the Publisher
December 10, 2013

Jen­ny was mis­er­able, and it was all Indi­a’s fault…until she real­ized it wasn’t.

When Jen­ny’s hus­band gets trans­ferred to India for work, she looks for­ward to a new life filled with glam­orous expat friends and excit­ing adven­tures. What she does­n’t expect is end­less bouts of food poi­son­ing, buf­fa­lo in the streets, and crip­pling lone­li­ness in one of the most dense­ly pop­u­lat­ed coun­tries in the world.

Ten thou­sand miles away from home, Jen­ny strug­gles to fight off depres­sion and anger as her sense of self and her mar­riage begin to unrav­el. But after months of bit­ter­ness and take­out piz­za, Jen­ny real­izes what the uni­verse has been try­ing to tell her all along: India does­n’t need to change. She does. Equal parts frus­tra­tion, absur­di­ty, and rev­e­la­tion, this is the true sto­ry of a Star­bucks-lov­ing city girl find­ing beau­ty in the chaos and mak­ing her way in the land of karma.

Read Jen­ny Fel­don’s Posts for the Vis­it­ing Scribe

How I Became an Acci­den­tal House­wife — and Ignored the Labels

Hap­py Mer­ry Christ­mas, Ma’am! On Being Jew­ish in a Strange Land

Discussion Questions