Just Like Mama is an attractive picture book that highlights the love between a mother and her young daughter. In the daughter’s eyes, her mother does everything perfectly— from cooking to playing to simply loving. Each page illustrates a short rhymed verse about the course of the young girl’s day, ending with statements such as, “Nobody cooks breakfast just like Mama”, or “Nobody plays ball just like Mama”. Busy Mama hosts tea parties, makes pancakes, and lovingly tucks her little one into bed at night. The last two-page spread sweetly shows the child’s gratitude as the girl happily brings Mama breakfast in bed the next morning. The joyous final words are illustrated with red capital letters within a heart shape: “Nobody loves mama just like me!” The illustrations are bright, bold, large and engaging. Author Leslea Newman has written a number of Jewish-themed children’s books, however this one has no particular Jewish content. Recommended for ages 4 – 7

Just Like Mama
- Review
– August 30, 2011
Barbara Silverman had an M.L.S. from Texas Woman’s University. She worked as a children’s librarian at the Corpus Christi Public Libraries and at the Corpus Christi ISD before retiring. She worked as a volunteer at the Astor Judaic Library of the Lawrence Family JCC in La Jolla, CA. Sadly, Barbara passed away is 2012.
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