
Jere­mi­ah’s Ghost: An Apoc­a­lyp­tic Fantasy

  • From the Publisher
May 19, 2015

A child pet­ri­fied by the shad­ows in his bed­room. A boy shrink­ing from the anger of his father. A wan­der­ing ado­les­cent who sees the Twin Tow­ers as the legs of an inter­plan­e­tary god. A new adult bat­tered by the absence of that God.

Bur­dened by the weight of the past and the uncer­tain­ty of the future, Jere­mi­ah sets out in search of the answers to his own mys­ter­ies, embark­ing on a jour­ney that will car­ry him from the raves of New York to the Latin trop­ics to Israel’s Inde­pen­dence Hall and back to an autumn evening in The Sheep Mead­ow, when the world was still whole. A sto­ry of fathers and sons, self, and shad­ows, Jeremiah’s Ghost traces the path of a young man through a land­scape where mem­o­ry is just anoth­er kind of fiction.

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