
It’s All About Who You Hire, How They Lead…And Oth­er Essen­tial Advice from a Self-Made Leader

Mor­ton L. Man­del with John A. Byrne
  • Review
By – May 28, 2013
Now in his mid-nineties, Mor­ton L. Man­del has writ­ten (with John A. Byrne) a com­bi­na­tion mem­oir and tuto­r­i­al for aspir­ing entre­pre­neurs. Man­del, a man who typ­i­fies the Amer­i­can from rags to rich­es” nar­ra­tive, empha­sizes the qual­i­ties he con­sid­ers essen­tial to becom­ing the kind of per­son he would con­sid­er to be an A play­er.” They are: Intel­lec­tu­al Fire­pow­er; Val­ues; Pas­sion; Work Eth­ic and Expe­ri­ence. 

By means of a series of case stud­ies, anec­dotes and per­son­al rem­i­nis­cences, Man­del then shares with the read­er how he built a bil­lion dol­lar empire and achieved promi­nence in the U.S. and Israel as a phil­an­thropist. Along the way, he meets col­leagues, com­peti­tors and con­sul­tants and relates some of the lessons he learned from each. Undoubt­ed­ly the most impor­tant among them was Peter Druck­er, the famed man­age­ment guru” who was a New York Uni­ver­si­ty pro­fes­sor at the time. Their rela­tion­ship blos­somed to the point that the book con­tains an entire chap­ter titled What I learned from Peter Druck­er.” The book is a quick and easy read and con­tains much good advice for any­one who wants to get ahead in today’s world. Appendix. 


Mor­ton Man­del: It’s All About Who… from Mor­ton Man­del on Vimeo.

Peter L. Roth­holz head­ed his own Man­hat­tan-based pub­lic rela­tions agency and taught at the Busi­ness and Lib­er­al Arts (BALA) pro­gram at Queens Col­lege. He lives in East Hamp­ton, NY and San­ta Mon­i­ca, CA and is a fre­quent con­trib­u­tor to Jew­ish publications.

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