
Invis­i­ble Threat

September 1, 2020

What begins as a love sto­ry could end as a world­wide dis­as­ter. The chance meet­ing of a sin­gle Jew­ish woman and a Mus­lim man, devel­ops into mar­riage and a fam­i­ly. With infre­quent influ­ence from the Jew­ish side of the fam­i­ly, their son, Alan, decides to live a Mus­lim life. In his teen years Alan becomes rad­i­cal­ized. A very bright stu­dent he quick­ly fin­ish­es med­ical train­ing. He uses his med­ical genius how­ev­er, to bring ter­ror in the form of virus dis­ease upon Israelis and a pan­dem­ic on Amer­i­cans. Only the Mossad, the Joint Ter­ror­ist Task Force, and an immu­nol­o­gist from Cal­i­for­nia and now the East Coast, can pos­si­bly stop this angry man and his network.

Discussion Questions

Cour­tesy of Robert Hirsch

A pletho­ra of Book Club dis­cus­sion topics 
  1. To vac­ci­nate or not vac­ci­nate!! On the sur­face, Invis­i­ble Threat is a pan­dem­ic and polit­i­cal thriller, writ­ten before COVID-19 hit us in the USA. How­ev­er, the author weaves sev­er­al oth­er impor­tant and very top­i­cal sub­jects for dis­cus­sion in

  2. the nov­el that are rel­e­vant today.
  3. Home grown ter­ror­ism from with­in the Unit­ed States.

  4. How to han­dle a pan­dem­ic in the country.

  5. Hate- Israel and the Pales­tini­ans – what hap­pens next?

  6. Long term hate any­where? Par­al­lels between hate and virus infec­tion; spread­ing and then bloom­ing until out of control.

  7. Inter­mar­riage in the Jew­ish cul­ture; Mus­lim culture.

  8. Does the West­ern world sup­port Israel.

  9. Does Dr. Maz­er, the main antag­o­nist, have any feel­ings for his moth­er? Could their rela­tion­ship ever have been rehabilitated?

  10. Nari Lee and Alan Maz­er- par­al­lel lives of first gen­er­a­tion Amer­i­cans; giv­en the best edu­ca­tion but end­ing in dif­fer­ent places.